Drag and drop the filters from the library to apply them to the current stack.
The results are immediately visible, the filters will be applied in the order they are listed on the stack. -
Create own custom filters by composing existent filters.
The combinations can be saved as presets for later use. A preset can be applied to a selection of images at once. -
Multiple edits are supported and undo is always there when you aren't satisfied with the result.
Adjust, reorder or temporary disable the filters on the current stack to see immediate effect. -
A filter can be previewed and adjusted before being added to the stack.
When you are satisfied with the settings, drag and drop the filter on the stack. -
Experiment with the settings to quickly preview the effect on an image.
Precise filter adjustments are possible by using arrow buttons and holding modifier keys. -
Share results directly using email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or export them to disk.