Posts in React - Experiment with Blockchain and IPFS

Chain Story is a web application which leverages IPFS and Lisk blockchain to permanently link a pixel art to an author's blockchain address. By using decentralized and distributed technology a permanent link is created ensuring the authenticity of the submitted work. Once submitted, a drawing is saved to IPFS, generating

Pay with Lisk Prototype

This is a prototype code exploring how to integrate LSK crypto payments to a webservice. The server side uses Kitura framework and Lisk API serving a client app written with React. WebSocket API is used for bi-directional communication between the server and the client. Demo: Your browser does not support


Coinpricegame is a weekly Lisk price prediction challenge. The winners are those whose predictions are closest to Lisk price at the end of the week. Rules? The 3 closest predictions win. One prediction per transaction, the price must be unique. Predictions must be placed at least 24 hours before the

Lisk Statistic

While reading about decentralized apps and blockchain I found Lisk blockchain application platform. I'm trying to learn more about the stock market but real-time market stats are changing to fast for me too read :) In order to provide myself some time to study the patterns I created an app which